
What is ESN?

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organization. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.

The Section Stockholm

ESN Stockholm is one of the ESN sections in Sweden and is open for participants from all the universities in Stockholm (SU, KTH, KI) as well as other universities who does not have a local section. 

ESN Stockholm currently has around 25 active members doing their best to make your exchange studies an unforgettable experience. Trying to control and organize them all is a board with five members who are also in charge of our four committees:

  • The Event Committee: comes up with all of the amazing ideas for our events and makes sure these are executed to perfection.
  • The Communication Committee: is in charge of the promotion on our various social media platforms to make sure that all our participants are informed about everything we’re doing.
  • The External Relations Committee: makes sure that we also host events and projects that focus on social inclusion and social awareness.

The Sponsorship Committee: is in charge of acquiring local partners, who you can find under the menu Partners.

The Board 2024/25

Matheus Rodrigues


Rémi Bourgerie

Vice President

Nikol Karaivanova


Katharina Lippmann

Event Manager

Cristina Perian

Communication Manager

Annick Muselaers


Join us as Volunteer

If you are interested in joining our team you can choose to become an active member in our section. As an active member, you are free to join any of our four committees that do everything from coming up will all the ideas to our events to promoting these on our social media platforms.

In the beginning of each semester ESN Stockholm has a recruitment period where interested students can send in a motivational letter to the board (board@esnstockholm.org) explaining why they would like to become an active member. If you have any questions about becoming an active member, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Contact Us

Have any questions or need assistance?
We’d love to hear from you!
Fill out the form , and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also contact us through Instagram, Facebook, our WhatsApp community, or email – find the links below.

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